天空上三公尺3.Metros.Sobre.El.Cielo.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDChina 7.79G 2010 欧美 剧情

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uump4.cc_天空上三公尺3.Metros.Sobre.El.Cielo.2010.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDChina 7.79G


年代:2010 类    型:剧情/爱情

地区:西班牙 制作公司:

语言:西班牙语 上映日期:  2010-11-04 周四  

英文:3.Metros.Sobre.El.Cielo 别名:/恋爱大过天/Tres Metros Sobre el Cielo/Three Steps Above Heaven/Three Meters Above the Sky 导演:费尔南多·冈萨雷兹·

主演:马里奥·卡萨斯Mar / 玛利亚·瓦沃德Mar 统计:14次浏览 1人订阅

[url=]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1648216/(6.7/10[/url] from 5,167 users )



她, 一个接受良好教育的富家乖乖女。

他, 一个热衷于非法摩托车赛的狂野青年。

两个属于不同世界的人相遇相识, 会擦出怎样的火花?





      她, 一个接受良好教育的富家乖乖女。

    他, 一个热衷于非法摩托车赛的狂野青年。

      两个属于不同世界的人相遇相识, 会擦出怎样的火花?




    Three Meters Above the Sky is a teen romantic drama that tells the story of two young people who belong to different worlds who start a relationship. Since a year ago Hache (Mario Casas) was involved in a violent altercation, it seems that only the company of his bike, speed and violence are able to distract him from a world he does not belong.

        Babi (Maria Valverde) belongs to a world that seems to be comfortable, well positioned two parents, a strict upbringing and elitist, as well as the privileges of being a good girl seem to surround and tuck.

        But what will happen if chance take long preparing the meeting of these two? Would they be able to overcome the barriers that both bring to arrive at a common point?

        This is the love story of H. and Babi, the first great love story of both, they will be three meters above the sky.

        Not as easy as it sounds. H. It will Babi and a first phase in fighting what they feel, playing to feel just the opposite of what really runs inside, they fight, they will challenge, will hate ... without trying to see that every step away from the other does nothing that closer.

        Once you surrender to your desires will play fight their environments, the violent environment of chaotic and visceral H. fight face to face with Babi, where some protective parents try to prevent by all means see his promising daughter sucked into the world that H. offers.

        Will they manage to reach the break-even point for your love last? Can they stay on the sky, preventing both worlds weigh as ballasts and pull them down?

        Besides all, they get it or not, is the love story that check for life. That certainly.(Translated by Google Translate)


        影片改编自意大利作家、导演Federico Moccia的小说,讲述了一对背景截然不同的少男少女的爱情故事,在意大利和西班牙等地都很畅销。2004年,该书被拍摄为意大利影片《天空上的三米》,由里卡多·斯卡马里奥主演,广受青少年欢迎。此番西班牙版本演员阵容也很强大,女主角是正当红的青春玉女玛利亚·瓦沃德,她还曾在英文片《裂缝》中给人留下深刻印象,男主角马里奥·卡萨斯被班德拉斯的导演处女作《夏季雨》发掘,还出演过青春片《性,谎言和派对》以及本片导演莫利纳的前作《人才流失》。

        Due to the blockbuster film, his production company, Antena 3 Films has commissioned the sequel , which has the same name as the second novel by Federico Moccia: I have wanted you . They confirmed the protagonists, Mario Casas and Maria Valverde , and the director of this film, Fernando Gonzalez Molina. The movie premiered on June 22, 2012 in theaters in Spain.


¿Has estado alguna vez a punto de tocar el cielo? (Have you ever been about to touch the sky?)


The film was the Spanish production with higher revenues in its first weekend at the box office with

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