【影片简介】: 名不见经传的摄影师里昂•考夫曼(Bradley Cooper 布拉德利•库柏 饰)为求拍摄到令画廊主人苏珊(Brooke Shields波姬•小丝 饰)满意的震撼性作品,每晚穿梭于纽约街头的阴暗角落。某晚里昂跟踪几名黑人,并在铁铁站内营救了被这伙人骚扰的美丽日本女子,然次日便从报纸上得知该女子失踪的消息。里昂向警方提供线索,却遭冷遇。 里昂的这组作品受到苏珊赏识,同时好奇心又促使他继续追查多年来发生在某地铁线上的连续失踪案件。很快他便注意到一个经常出没地铁站、西装革履一脸严肃而又令人不寒而栗的神秘男人(Vinnie Jones 维尼•琼斯 饰)……
The photographer Leon lives with his girlfriend and waitress Maya waiting for a chance to get in the photo business. When Maya contacts their friend Jurgis, he schedules a meeting for Leon with the successful owner of arts gallery Susan Hoff; she analyzes Leon's work and asks him to improve the quality of his photos. During the night, the upset Leon decides to wander on the streets taking pictures with his camera, and he follows three punks down to the subway station; when the gang attacks a young woman, Leon defends her and the guys move on. On the next morning, Leon discovers that the woman is missing. He goes to the police station, but Detective Lynn Hadley does not give much attention to him and discredits his statement. Leon becomes obsessed to find what happened with the stranger and he watches the subway station. When he sees the elegant butcher Mahogany in the train, Leon believes he might be a murderer and stalks him everywhere, in the beginning of his journey to the darkness.
Bradley Cooper : Leon Leslie Bibb : Maya Brooke Shields : Susan Hoff Vinnie Jones : Mahogany Roger Bart : Jurgis Barbara Eve Harris : Detective Lynn Hadley Peter Jacobson : Otto Stephanie Mace : Leigh Cooper Ted Raimi : Randle Cooper Dan Callahan : Troy Taleveski