灵晕。将我的心脏还给父亲。切尔诺贝利之后,拟象自我与现实自我的分裂。李尔王二创(?)与解构。科迪莉亚的对白移入现代。戈达尔所扮演的疯癫未来者。戏剧穿越时空以影像形式复活,找回祖先的剧作。我的姓名不重要。书页的翻动与海鸥的蒙太奇。对于人类的世代艺术与真理似乎也是无解的谜题。莎士比亚的鬼魂与生活画面中的鬼魂复现。no thing is everything。倒放采摘花蕊,复活。影像崭新地出现了,羞涩,热烈,强烈。电影,后浪前浪不断循环着。
Everything returns to normal after Chernobyl. That is, everything but art. Most of the great works are lost, and it is up to people like William Shakespear Junior the Fifth to restore the lost artwork of the human race. He finds strange goings-on at a resort enough to remind him of all the lines of the play, dealing with mob boss Don Learo and his daughter Cordelia, a strange professor named Jean Luc-Godard (sic), who repeatedly xeroxes his hand for no particular reason. He is followed by four humanoid goblins that keep tormenting Cordelia. There is also the gentleman whose girlfriend, Valerie, isn't always visible. Then the film is sent off to New York for Mr. Alien to edit.