很羡慕他们会有一个伦敦时刻,就像老头儿说的:我已经梦想成真了。回头我在回忆20多岁的blur说过的话,还有30多岁的他们,直到已经是四个老头儿的他们,还是在代表自由,自我,以及需要维持一段长久的关系,对他们来讲是一生都会在学习的事情,而音乐本身就是一种回馈,自由意志是支撑四个人随时击碎了自我,又重塑他们的音乐和生活,这就是最后站在温布利球场里的他们,damon是完全孤独的又是和大紧密心系的,我爱damon唱的所有,我爱blur 永远。最后和他们一起闪着泪光to the end
每个人生来就是孤独的。但是能在最好的年纪遇到一群志同道合的朋友真是太rock and roll 了。观感下来好欣赏戴邦的心态,年过五旬依旧乐观充满活力,热情,还带有最初的稚气。葛面还是一如既往的可爱,不过有一个变化就是更享受舞台和人群了,曾经那个羞涩腼腆的少年也发生了蜕变。所有人都那么可爱。如果不是blur ,谁会愿意看一群老头在舞台上乱唱乱跳呢?即使是2023年,他们依旧年轻,回归最初的起点。
每个人生来就是孤独的。但是能在最好的年纪遇到一群志同道合的朋友真是太rock and roll 了。观感下来好欣赏戴邦的心态,年过五旬依旧乐观充满活力,热情,还带有最初的稚气。葛面还是一如既往的可爱,不过有一个变化就是更享受舞台和人群了,曾经那个羞涩腼腆的少年也发生了蜕变。所有人都那么可爱。如果不是blur ,谁会愿意看一群老头在舞台上乱唱乱跳呢?
下一次回归再见,下一个十年,或者更短,相信你们四个老头,就像结尾阿邦游向无边无际的大海,to the end,他们一直都在拓宽end的界线,谢谢你们一直让我们做梦,blur but terrific
A treasure trove of live and archive footage drives this portrait of the British band as they prepare to tour their new album.
Filmed over a decade, but also drawing in a wealth of footage from throughout their career, Toby L’s documentary portrait explores Blur’s trajectory, from a group of friends jamming to becoming one of the most acclaimed British bands of the last 35 years. It captures them as they come together to record what will be the critical and commercial success The Ballad of Darren, leading to their first – and sell-out – shows at Wembley stadium in the summer of 2023. The film shows how the group have continued to forge new creative paths, never resting on the laurels of former glories. With their recent performance at Coachella yet another defining moment of their recent revival, this is the perfect time to look back on their career.