五星级谋杀案的剧情简介 (原文) · · · · · · A film critic accidentally kills his lover during a spat in which she falls and hits her head. In panic, he immediately covers up his involvement and leaves the apartment. A private investigator had been tailing the woman for her ex-husband. Realizing what happened, the investigator launches a blackmail scheme. The critic turns the tables after the investigator turns in his report. Meanwhile the police enter the case. Led by a detective with screenwriting ambitions, the chief suspect becomes the critic. But the detective's ambitions shrouds his judgment. He invites the critic to dinner and an affair with the detective's wife is initiated. Meanwhile, the critic's regular girl friend is suspicious of the whole affair.
影评: 这是一部拥有影迷倾向的黑色喜剧,你看过的黑色电影越多,能从中得到的乐趣也就越多。当然,这亦是又一部讽刺影评人的电影。于是,恰巧你还旁敲侧击地搞过电影评论工作的话,那么相信你比单纯的影迷会得到更多的乐趣。由William H. Macy饰演的忙碌影评人,在我看来就是一个十足的大骗子。而她恰巧说出了全片的主旨与真相:即影评人都是大骗子,不要相信他们。